1 – Büyük Hasbahçe Neighborhood 2 – Küçük Hasbahçe Neighborhood 3 – Bektaş Neighborhood 4 – Tepe Neighborhood
5 – Sugözü Neighborhood 6 – Kadıpaşa Neighborhood 7 – Saray Neighborhood 8 – Kızlarpınarı Neighborhood
9 – Şekerhane Neighborhood 10-Güllerpınarı Neighborhood 11-Cumhuriyet Neighborhood 12-Çarşı Neighborhood
13-Hacet Neighborhood 14-Tophane Neighborhood 15-Hisariçi Neighborhood
1-HASBAHÇE NEIGHBORHOOD: There is also a story about Alaaddin Keykubat for this neighborhood. When Sultan Alaaddin Keykubat conquered Alanya in 1221, he wanted to have a palace built for himself. While determining the location of the palace, he had one of the hind legs of a freshly slaughtered sheep (goat) hung in the place of the palace he was going to build in the Inner Castle, and the other in the place where the current mansion ruins are in the Büyükhasbahçe Neighborhood. He said that whichever one spoils (stinks) the later, he would build the first palace there. It is said that the meat in the Köşk location (now we can see the ice-cold spring water flowing under the old uluçar tree here and the mansion ruins right next to it) in the Büyük Hasbahçe Neighborhood spoiled the later, so he had the first palace built here. It is said that the vegetables and fruits irrigated by the existing spring water here were not lacking in summer and winter due to their suitability to the climatic conditions, and again, since tens of acres of land were surrounded by walls at that time and were in the position of the Sultan’s Hasbahçe, the Hasbahçe neighborhood took its name. 2- KÜÇÜK HASBAHÇE NEIGHBORHOOD: This neighborhood is also separated from Büyükhasbahçe Neighborhood. Since it requires a separate mukhtarship in terms of both its population and surface area, the part in the east is called Büyükhasbahçe and the part in the west is called Küçükhasbahçe Neighborhood.
3- BEKTAŞ NEIGHBORHOOD: As it is known, there are many Turkmen tribes that have survived from the depths of history to the present day. If we give an example from our district, a lineage called Bektaşlar came here like Aliefendilsbatlı, Çakallar, and later it was called Bektaş Neighborhood based on this name. This neighborhood is known as the place where Alanya people stopped for the first time while migrating to their plateaus. The ice-cold spring water under the great plane tree was used as drinking water for Alanya people for years, and even in the early years of tourism, it was bottled and given to the existing hotels, motels and restaurants. While it used to be a neighborhood connected to Büyükhasbahçe neighborhood, it became an independent neighborhood depending on the population rate.
4- TEPE NEIGHBORHOOD: It is called Tepe Neighborhood because it is the neighborhood of Alanya that is at the highest level above sea level due to its geographical location. The closest and highest hill to the district center is Yumru Hill, which is connected to this neighborhood. The height is 1054 meters.
5- SUGÖZÜ NEIGHBORHOOD: In the past, the majority of Alanya residents used to turn their products such as corn and wheat into flour thanks to countless mills at the source of the stream known today as Hacet Creek (Sak). The water mills here used to start from the place called the eye of the water and line up to where the slope continued. The development of technology pushed water-powered mills into the background, and all the mills in the past in most of our villages and in the center of Alanya have disappeared. As of today, there are only two mills left, one in Dim and one in Sapadere village. For years, the Alanya Municipality brought the water in the water eye, which operated these mills, to the city as drinking water. For this reason, this neighborhood is called Water Eye.
6- KADIPAŞA NEIGHBORHOOD: Abdurrahman Pasha, the son of Kadi Mehmet Efendi, one of the grandsons of Alaiyeli Şeyhülislam Minkarizade, is a Kadi in Kayseri. (Governor) His uncle, who was an official in Konya Bozkır, was killed by the rioting people and his goods were looted. Abdurrahman Pasha, who heard this bad news, left the Kadilik and asked permission from the Sublime Porte to avenge his uncle. He got permission and came to Seydişehir, and with the decree of the Sultan, he marched on Bozkır, caught and eliminated his uncle’s killers one by one. The Sultan took Kadi Abdurrahman Pasha into the presence and congratulated him for this success. This success of Kadi Abdurrahman Pasha was also the success of the newly established Nizam-ı Cedid army. 111. After Selim was killed by the Janissaries and Alemdar Mustafa Pasha’s aid to the new Sultan, he hurriedly rushed to Istanbul for aid. He fought fearlessly against the Janissaries. He later returned to Alaiye. However, he was surrounded by the Janissaries because he was one of the founders of the Nizam-ı Cedid army. After a six-month resistance, he was strangled, beheaded and paraded through the streets of Istanbul. Later, with the Janissary Corps abolished by Mahmud 11, the spirit of this forward-thinking, courageous, brave Turkish son raised by Alaiye was rejoiced. The name of this neighborhood was named Kadıpaşa in reference to Kadı Abdurrahman Paşa, who wrote the name Alaiye in gold letters in history. Kadı Abdurrahman Paşa’s grave is in the İbradı district.
7-SARAY NEIGHBORHOOD: This is a neighborhood separated from Kadıpaşa neighborhood. There used to be a government building where today’s Alanya old middle school is located. It was called Saray Beleni. The mansion in this bele was reduced to ashes as a result of a fire. Now, there is Alanya old middle school in this bele, the construction of which started in 1945 and started operating in the 1947-1948 academic year. This building currently serves as an Iokal affiliated with the District National Education Directorate and Alanya Teachers’ House. This neighborhood, separated from Kadıpaşa, was named Saray Neighborhood in reference to Saray Beleni.
8-KIZLARPINARI NEIGHBORHOOD: This is a neighborhood separated from Saray neighborhood. The street it takes its name from today is one of the longest streets in Alanya. In the past, there was a historical Ayazmus and a historical fountain (Pınar) in the place just south of the current Municipality cemetery. This fountain and Ayazmus still exist. As it is known, many quatrains were written in the past for girls who gathered at the head of such important spring waters. Even couplets who were in love with each other would meet and talk at the head of such springs. Then there was a tradition in our Alanya in the past. Since girls completed the water filling job, that is, the water deficiency, this place was called Kızlarpınarı. Our neighborhood, which took its name from this historical fountain and historical Ayazmus, is one of our new neighborhoods established in the 90s and 11s.
9-GULLERPINARI NEIGHBORHOOD: In our childhood, the name of this neighborhood was Kellermuarı (MuharPınar). If you ask where it got its name; There is a spring water in the garden of the Develiler Mosque, which is currently within the borders of the same neighborhood. There is also a pool in front of this spring water. This water flows from the source to the pool via a short muddy path, and when people suffering from various skin diseases (this type of disease is called KEL in the region) apply this muddy water to the sick parts of their bodies, it is seen that the wounds heal in a short time. That is why this spring was called Kellermuarı and this neighborhood was changed to Kellermuarı, later to Güllerpınarı, in reference to this important healing water. In the past, the area where this healing water was located was empty. A family called Develioğulları built a new mosque in this empty space and ensured that this healing water would serve the region in a clean and orderly manner forever.
10- CUMHURIYET NEIGHBORHOOD: This is a newly established neighborhood in our neighborhood like Kızlarpınarı Neighborhood. Over time, Güllerpınarı, which grew, first formed Hacet Neighborhood and then Cumhuriyet Neighborhood. The place where Cumhuriyet Neighborhood is located was called Karasaz.
11-HACET NEIGHBORHOOD: This neighborhood was separated from the Güllerpınarı neighborhood that grew over time. This new neighborhood was known as the Hacet neighborhood connected to Güllerpınarı. In fact, it is known that the three-classroom school here in the early years of the Republic was called Hacet School. Now let’s talk about where the name Hacet comes from. There are grand plane trees where the current Atatürk Primary School is located. There is one that is especially grand. The age of the grandest plane tree in Gedevet Plateau was measured and it is 973 years old today. If it were measured, maybe this grand plane tree would not be behind it. This grand plane tree used to be a place where people whose houses were in these regions and whose roads passed through here would rest and relieve themselves in the dark and cool shade during the summer months. In fact, the place where our farmers would gather and pray for rain especially in October for the dry weather was the Hacet stream around this grand plane tree. The Hacet district was later called the Hacet neighborhood, referring to the great needs that were met by the congregation who gathered to rest and cool down from the heat and to pray for rain in dry weather.
12-CARŞI NEIGHBORHOOD: When we look at the Yavuz and Kanuni periods of the Ottoman Empire, we see that this neighborhood was called the Taşpazarı neighborhood. The Çarşı market, where shopping is done today as it was in the past, is concentrated in this area. Even before the Republic, we called this area AşağıÇarşı, Yukarı Çarşı and Orta Çarşı. İskele Street and the government building (now the health center) that burned down in 1943, the area around the Kuyularönü Mosque and the area where the İskele Police Station is located, and the Trata neighborhood and Kale Arkası neighborhoods used to form the bazaar center, which is why this neighborhood is called Çarşı Neighborhood.
13-ŞEKERHANE NEIGHBORHOOD: It is one of the oldest neighborhoods of Alanya. It is the center of Korakesyon, the first name of Alanya, with a history of over 2000 years. In the past, the city had an acropolis and a military section called Castle. The current Şekerhane neighborhood is located in Acropolis (where the most important structures and temples are located). In addition, the military section that ensures the protection of this place is the current Alanya Castle. When Alaaddin Keykubat conquered Alanya in 1221, he had a mansion built here. (Şekerhane Mansion) I know that there used to be a very strong, clean and clear spring water here, although it is small, it still exists today. There is a huge pool (Şekerhane pool) in front of the mansion. When you look at the different words said for this name, there is a large area with dense acorn trees here. Hunting parties were held here and people gathered around this abundantly watered pool (recreation area) and ate. It is said that since the word hunting was used as Şikar in the past, it was called Şikarhane and again, since sugar was obtained from sugar cane here, it was called Şekerhane. Considering these, there are rumors that Şikarhane was called because of hunting, Şekerhane was called because of sugar cane, and Şekerhane was called because of eating and drinking ‘Pişmaniye’ and similar sweets in this recreation area, so the name of this historical neighborhood became Şekerhane. Even coins minted in the name of Korakesyon were found in this historical neighborhood.
14- HİSARIÇİ NEIGHBORHOOD: We also call this place ‘inner castle’. As it is known, Alanya Castle consists of three rows of walls, one inside the other. The section surrounded by the first row of walls is Tophane Neighborhood, the section inside the second row of walls is Hisariçi Neighborhood, and there is also a section surrounded by the third row of walls, which is where the structures built for military purposes are located. This neighborhood has been around since the years before Christ. It is our oldest neighborhood, it is called Hisariçi neighborhood because it is always surrounded by castle walls (surlar Hisar). In the past, this neighborhood used to meet its water needs from cisterns, the number of which was hundreds.
15-TOPHANE NEIGHBORHOOD: The place that gave this neighborhood its name is the Tower located just south of the Seljuk Shipyard built in 1228. Our neighborhood, which takes its name from this historical Tophane Tower, is also one of the oldest neighborhoods of Alanya.